La Leche League Hong Kong has the honour of hosting Dr Jenny Thomas, a pediatrician and breastfeeding medicine specialist, as well as our own Leader from the USA, Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA, for a special seminar on the 16th May 2017.
Please join us for this exclusive event which will feature Breastfeeding and Epigenetics and The Best Start: Strategies to Reduce Early Feeding Problems. CERPs available. |
Session One - Breastfeeding and EpigeneticsWe learned that DNA gives information to RNA which uses that information to direct the creation of a protein. However, epigenetics, a rapidly expanding understanding of how our genes are regulated, has challenged what we know about this pathway to protein production. This presentation reviewed basics of protein production from DNA and RNA and then introduced the mechanisms that the epigenome uses to change what genes are activated and what proteins are produced. We then looked at the unique components of human milk and how breastfeeding works within this system, potentially changing gene expression for generations.
Jennifer Thomas, MD, MPH, IBCLC, FAAP, FABMDr Jenny Thomas is a pediatrician and breastfeeding medicine specialist at Lakeshore Medical Clinic in Franklin, Wisconsin, USA and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Community and Family Medicine and Pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She is now serving on the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Breastfeeding Executive Board after spending several years as the Chief of the Chapter Breastfeeding Coordinators. She also serves on the Executive Board of the Wisconsin Chapter of the AAP, and is a founder and the immediate-past Chairperson of the Wisconsin Breastfeeding Coalition. She is the author of Dr Jen’s Guide to Breastfeeding. She has received awards for teaching, advocacy for children, and innovation with in her practice and community. She is one of only a few physicians internationally to be recognized as a Fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (FABM) for her expertise on breastfeeding. Dr Thomas’ interests and research have focused on issues related to the use of social media to support breastfeeding mothers.
Session Two - The Best Start: Strategies to Reduce Early Feeding ProblemsThis talk will provide a chronological review of recommended approaches to positioning and latch during the newborn period and a research-based summary that clarifies which approaches make early breastfeeding easier, which make it more difficult, and why. It will include the information needed to implement a simplified breastfeeding initiation strategy designed to reduce the incidence of the three most common early problems, as well as details about online resources freely available to families.
Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA, LLL LeaderNancy Mohrbacher was born and raised in the Chicago area, where she lives with her husband Michael. She is a lactation consultant, a La Leche League Leader, and a Breastfeeding USA counselor who has been helping nursing mothers for more than 30 years. She has written many breastfeeding books for parents and professionals, including:
• Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple • Breastfeeding Made Simple (with Kathleen Kendall-Tackett) • Working and Breastfeeding Made Simple • Breastfeeding Solutions: Quick Tips for the Most Common Nursing Challenges • And its companion Breastfeeding Solutions app for Android and iPhone. Nancy currently contracts with hospitals to improve breastfeeding practices, writes for many publications, and speaks at events around the world. Nancy was in the first group of 16 to be honored for her contributions to the field of breastfeeding with the designation FILCA, Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association. |
Registration Information
Standard Registration
LLL Member $120 Non-member $150 |
Registration on the day of the seminar - 16th May 2017
LLL Member $150 Non-member $180 |
Registration - Book Now!
Standard Registration
On the Day of the Seminar
Photo by Phillippe Roy
La Leche League International is a non-governmental organisation in consultative status with UNICEF, the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Agency of International Development (USAID), the US Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, and is a founding member of the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA). LLL is active in 60 countries, reaching more than 100,000 mothers monthly through a network of 7,500 accredited Leaders who work on a volunteer basis.